Corporate summit on meeting our ESG challenges to ensure a sustainable dairy future

Midlands Park Hotel | Thursday, February 22 2024

About the Summit

The ESG in Dairy Summit brings together the entire dairy ecosystem in Ireland including agri and dairy leaders, policy makers, co-ops and processors, farmer representative bodies, ESG audit and advisory professionals, all to explore the transformative potential of innovation in addressing environmental, social and governance (ESG) challenges.

The event will shed light on the multifaceted advantages of better ESG practices, encompassing improved public relations, financial gains and a heightened capacity to thrive in an increasingly sustainability-conscious world. This summit will serve as a pivotal moment for stakeholders to commit and collaborate on shaping a more responsible and prosperous future for the dairy sector.

ESG in Dairy Summit 2024 Highlights


Aoife Connaughton

Director, ESG Strategy & Decarbonisation, Deloitte

Paul Murphy

CEO, Climeaction

Pat Murphy

CEO, Kerry Dairy Ireland

Jason Hawkins

Group CEO and Executive Director, Carbery

Dr Anne Marie Henihan

Centre Director of the Dairy Processing Technology Centre (DPTC)

Conor Galvin

CEO, Dairygold

TJ Flanagan


Dr Lisa Koep

Chief ESG Officer, Tirlán


Gold Sponsor

Gold Sponsor

Gold Sponsor

Gold Sponsor

Gold Sponsor

Media Partner

Media Partner







Who should attend?

Agri leaders

• Dairy leaders

• Dairy co-ops and processors

Compliance officers

ESG, sustainability and CSR professionals

Audit professionals and dairy CFOs, CTOs, CMOs

Risk and investment managers


Agri and business advisors

Topics include:

Gaining competitive advantage and adding value through ESG

Market demands and trends

Financial and investment considerations

Data through the supply chain

ESG Monitoring and reporting

License to dairy and community engagement

Sector changing innovation

Positioning for a circular economy

Single Ticket



Your ticket includes Summit, Exhibits, Lunch, Tea / Coffee and Snacks.

4 Tickets for the Price of 3



Your tickets include Summit, Exhibits, Lunch, Tea / Coffee and Snacks.

8 Tickets for the Price of 5



Your tickets include Summit, Exhibits, Lunch, Tea / Coffee and Snacks.

Book by Friday 16th before prices go up.

Get in Touch

Please contact us if you are interested in speaking at or sponsoring this event.